Chairman Message

Thiru. R.S. Munirathinam

Dear Parent,

Welcome to a School Called Life.
The RMK Residential Senior Secondary School is entering into the seventh year in 2013 -14. This is solely because of the parents who share our belief in a school for children that reflects life in every way apart from imparting the best education.

Apart from keeping you updated on your child’s progress, we ensure that the parent-child bond is strengthened through regular interactive sessions. This is just one small instance of what the RMK Residential Senior Secondary School can give you and your child. The present RMK children and their parents will stand testimony with their experiences at the school. RMK children will in fact, have more fun than ever while they learn as they belong in a home away from home. They are growing prepared for the world of tomorrow and will definitely make a mark for themselves and in turn, to their Nation.

The state-of-the-art school is backed by dedicated and experienced staff members and a highly committed and experienced management team – making it the ideal place for an educational experience par excellence.

I invite you to explore the experience of the School Called Life which can enrich your child’s growing years. You can contact the school directly and the staff will readily clarify anything you may need.

I wish you and your child, all the very best on behalf of the Management, Teachers & Children of RMK Residential Senior Secondary School.

Warm regards.

Founder – Chairman